Kim Flottum's Book: The Backyard Beekeeper - How to Start Honey Beekeeping from Your House Garden or Yard - Beginner's Guide to Apiculture, How to Create Apiaries and Become an Apiarist

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Kim Flottum's Book: The Backyard Beekeeper - How to Start Honey Beekeeping from Your House Garden or Yard - Beginner's Guide to Apiculture, How to Create Apiaries and Become an Apiarist

    • Title: The Backyard Beekeeper, 4th Edition: An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Keeping Bees in Your Yard and Garden.
    • Author: Kim Flottum • Seasoned Apiarist, Bee Researcher, Editor of BeeCulture Magazine, Horticulturist..
    • Publisher: Quarry Books
    • Format: Paperback / eBook / AudioBook..
    • Type: Beekeeping / Apiculture / Husbandry / Farming..
    • Publishing Date: 02/January/2018
    • Print length: 240 Pages..
      • A detailed beginner's guide to apiculture; how to create apiaries and become an apiarist (beekeeper);

        How to start your own honey beekeeping from your house garden or backyard..

        You Will Learn How to:
        • Set up and care for your own bee colonies..
        • Select the best location for safety..
        • Know the practical and nontoxic ways to care for the bees..
        • Know about swarm control; the use of top bar hives..
        • Harvest from a beehive; collect and use honey..
        • Know about bee problems, treatments and more...

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