"Puppy Love" is a romantic comedy (romcom) movie starring Lucy Hale and Grant Gustin. It's about two people who have a disastrous first date, and then end up becoming co-parents to their dogs. The film is full of hilarious and heartwarming moments, and it explores the ups and downs of modern dating and relationships.
The cast includes Grant Gustin as Max Stevenson, Lucy Hale as Nicole Matthews, and talented comedic actors such as Nore Davis as Sid, Michael Hitchcock as Dr. Hert, Al Miro as Hunter Fosterini, as well as actors like Jane Seymour as Diane Matthews, Christine Lee as Shay, Rachel Risen as Lorraine, and Corey Woods as Harper, among others.
"Puppy Love" was released on August 18, 2023, and has received mixed praise and criticism from movie viewers. The film was directed by Richard Alan Reid and Nick Fabiano, and produced by Michael Philip, Jason Moring, Jonah Peretti, and others.
The movie soundtrack is filled with catchy and romantic tunes. The film is rated PG-13 and 16+ by the Motion Picture Association (MPA) due to some strong language and suggestive content, making it inappropriate for children. The runtime of the movie is approximately 106 minutes.
The moral of the story is that love can be found in unexpected places. Sometimes, it's not about finding the perfect partner, but about finding someone who you can connect with on a deeper level, and who makes you laugh and feel loved. Lucy Hale and Grant Gustin have great chemistry in the film, and they show that even the most mismatched couples can find happiness together. Also, the film teaches that love can come in all shapes and sizes, even in the form of a four-legged friend.
Movie Details
- Title: Puppy Love
- Starring Actors: Grant Gustin, Lucy Hale, Nore Davis, Michael Hitchcock, Jane Seymour, et al.
- Directors: Richard Alan Reid, Nick Fabiano
- Producers: Michael Philip, Jason Moring, Jonah Peretti, Brian Etting, Josh Etting, et al.
- Year Released: 2023
- Movie Rating: PG-13 / 16+ (MPA)
- Genre: Comedy / Relationship / Romcom
- Duration: ≈ 1 Hour 46 Minutes..
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