George Orwell's Book: 1984 - Terrifying 'Vision' of Life Under Totalitarianism - Publisher: Harper Perennial - Paperback (416 Pages)

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George Orwell's Book: 1984 - Terrifying 'Vision' of Life Under Totalitarianism - Publisher: Harper Perennial

Book: 1984 ⦾ Author: Eric Arthur Blair (1903–1950) • Pen Name: George Orwell..

  • Publisher: Harper Perennial
  • Format: Paperback
  • Type: Literature / Fiction / Politics
  • Publishing Year: 2014
  • Print length: 416 Pages..
      ..Haunting 'prophesy' of the future; chilling and terrifying 'vision' of life under totalitarianism..

      The obliteration of truth, individuality and liberty in a world where the ruling power seeks to control everything, from information to thought and memory...


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