Rob Elliott Children's Book: Laugh Out Loud Jokes for Kids - Hundreds of Good and Clean Jokes
Book: Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids..
⦾ Author: Rob Elliott
• He's been a publishing professional for over twenty years and has written several books on jokes..
- Publisher: Revell
- Format: Paperback / eBook Edition
- Type: Jokes / Riddles
- Publishing Year: 2010
- Print length: 128 Pages..
- Reading Level: Seven and above..
The book features hundreds of one-liners, knock knock jokes, tongue twisters, good and clean jokes..
A perfect gift for your children.. Rob Elliott's book will make your kids roll on the floor with laughter...
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#️⃣ Books
#️⃣ JokesAndRiddlesBooks
#️⃣ Rob Elliott
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