Anova Culinary Precision Cooker: WIFI Enabled 2nd Gen (900 Watts) Kitchen Sous Vide Precision Cooker - Overview
- The Anova Culinary Precision Cooker (2nd Gen.) is one of the most important smart kitchen gadget a chef needs to have.
- It is suitable for both beginner and professional cookers. It is said to help you keep an eye on the status of your food from start to finish as claimed by Anova Culinary (the brand)
- It is enabled with wireless WIFI connectivity and you can monitor your cooking from anywhere with your smartphone. You can also get alerts or cooking notifications.
- The device has a 900watts power rating. You can start the preparation of your meal with the touch of a button on the device.
- Easy to use with simple interface for settings. You can simply attach the precision cooker to any pot.
- Suitable for hands-off cooking of meats, fish, soups, vegetables, desserts and more.
- According to the manufacturer's claims, the Sous vide Anova Culinary cooking gives quality results and its auto-cook feature helps keep your food safe.
- You can cook no matter where you are. Just schedule your cooking and let the device do the rest.
- It is also enabled with bluetooth connection that permits up to thirty feet control distance.
*Note: Color / specs may vary.
Check for newer models on market stores.
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