Thu Mar 13 2025 09:33:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Piper Electronic Tech Toy kit for Kids: Comes with guides on how to build, code and program computers

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Piper Electronic Tech Toy kit for Kids: Comes with guides on how to build, code and program computers
    Educational Tech Kit with Minecraft Raspberry Pi Edition by Piper for Children
    • Suitable as gift packs for kids to learn computer electronics and technology
    • Recommended for eight to thirteen years of age
    • Comes with step-by-step guides on how to build, code and program computers
    • Includes video-games, puzzles and apps with educational hands-on construction and discovery
    • Kids can build power-ups within the game through physical controls, switches, buttons, and lights
*Note: Color or specs may vary.


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