Heather Monahan's Book: Confidence Creator - The Essential Techniques to Building Confidence and Becoming Your Best Self
Book Title: Confidence Creator - How to Take Charge of Your Life and Create Your Own Confidence.
Author: Heather Monahan
- Publisher: Boss in Heels
- Format: Hardcover / eBook Edition
- Publishing Year: 2018
- Type/Genre: Motivation / Memoir / Self-Help
- Print length: 274 Pages..
..Heather Monahan illustrates the tough lessons she learned along the way that helped her develop the self-assurance necessary for getting what she wanted in life..
You will discover how to determine your number-one enemy, attract the right people, find your voice, and more...
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#️⃣ Books
#️⃣ Heather Monahan
#️⃣ MindBodyBooks
#️⃣ Motivation