Wed Mar 19 2025 16:02:26 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Words - Quote: Don't say things you don't mean. Weak words make you weak - Wise Saying

Quotes: You Can't BE HAPPY, If You Don't LOVE YOURSELF - Wise Words

Positive Words: I AM Alive. I AM Made. I AM Amazing. I AM Marvelous. I AM Awesome. I AM Moving Up..

Positive Quotes: Always look at the bright side of LIFE. Being an OPTIMIST can make you LIVE LONG - Motivation

Quotes: If you cannot stop IMAGINING IT, then don't rest until you CREATE IT - Motivation

Wise Words: Don't live a life you cannot afford in order to please others. Stay in your lane and be contented with what you have, else bankruptcy will knock at your door - Motivational Quotes
Daily Gratitude - Quote: Wake up each morning and be grateful for who you are. Every single day is a blessing - Motivation
Laurence Peter - GREAT MINDS Discuss IDEAS, Average Minds Discuss Events, Small Minds Discuss PEOPLE - Quotes
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Laurence Peter’s Quote:
Words - Quote: Don't say things you don't mean. Weak words make you weak - Wise Saying

Quotes: You Can't BE HAPPY, If You Don't LOVE YOURSELF - Wise Words

Positive Words: I AM Alive. I AM Made. I AM Amazing. I AM Marvelous. I AM Awesome. I AM Moving Up..

Positive Quotes: Always look at the bright side of LIFE. Being an OPTIMIST can make you LIVE LONG - Motivation

Quotes: If you cannot stop IMAGINING IT, then don't rest until you CREATE IT - Motivation

Wise Words: Don't live a life you cannot afford in order to please others. Stay in your lane and be contented with what you have, else bankruptcy will knock at your door - Motivational Quotes
Daily Gratitude - Quote: Wake up each morning and be grateful for who you are. Every single day is a blessing - Motivation