Kyle Swenson's Book: The Wrongful Imprisonment of African-Americans in Cleveland, Ohio

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Kyle Swenson's Book: The Wrongful Imprisonment of African-Americans in Cleveland, Ohio

Book: Good Kids, Bad City - A Story of Race and Wrongful Conviction in America ⦾ Author: Kyle Swenson • A reporter and journalist. A recipient of the Society of Professional Journalists’ Sigma Delta Chi Award for Feature Reporting..

  • Publisher: Picador
  • Format: eBook Edition / Paperback / Hardcover
  • Type: Crime / Racism
  • Publishing Year: 2019
  • Print length: 286 Pages..
      In the early 1970s, three African-American men―Wiley Bridgeman, Kwame Ajamu, and Rickey Jackson―were accused and convicted of the brutal robbery and murder..

      A combined 106 years in prison for the three men rested on the testimony of a pre-teen, Ed Vernon.. -- Four decades later, Vernon recanted his testimony, and Wiley, Kwame, and Rickey were released..

      The actual murderer was never found.. -- While their exoneration may have ended one of American history’s most disgraceful miscarriages of justice, the corruption and decay of the city responsible for their imprisonment remain on trial...


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