• Title: ♋ Cancer Free - Your Guide to Gentle, Non-toxic Healing (Fifth Edition)
- Author: Bill Henderson • A reporter and writer who's passionate about helping cancer patients..
- Co-Author: Dr. Carlos M. Garcia, M.D. • A Trained Medical Doctor and Well-informed Holistic Physician..
- Publisher(s): BookLocker Inc.
- Format: eBook Edition
- Type: Wellbeing / Condition Diets / Cancer Cookbooks..
- Publishing Year(s): 2007 / 2014
- Print length: 344 Pages..
Bill and Dr. Garcia offer specific and detailed regimen for healing cancer..
Bill's mission to help cancer patients started after his experience with his former wife, Marjorie. Her ovarian cancer was treated using conventional treatment, but she died..
He is convinced that the treatment killed her and wants to help as many people as possible avoid her fate.. Dr. Garcia's mission is to help cancer patients heal themselves starting in a controlled clinical environment and continuing at home. He has been doing this successfully for over fifteen years...
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