Sun Mar 16 2025 08:58:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

About $140.16 billion was spent in online shopping during Chinese Spring Festival - News

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Shoppers in China spent over 900billion yuan (about $140.16 billion) during the one-month online Spring-Festival shopping period that ended on Thursday, according to a data report by China Ministry of Commerce.

The online festive shopping that started January 20 to February 18, saw eCommerce catering sales rose by over forty-percent compared to the previous year (2020).

There was 79% increase in sales of products and services related to Lunar New Year's Eve events compared to the 2020 Spring Festival shopping.

Despite government's restriction on gatherings due to the virus pandemic, online sales of movie tickets skyrocketed by over four-hundred percent (400%), the ministry data shows.


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