Tue Mar 18 2025 10:16:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Sinach's GREATEST LORD: Single-Track Music - Chorus: Ooh You are the greatest Lord.. (AAC/ MP3 Song)

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Sinach's Greatest Lord: Single-Track Music - Chorus: Ooh You are the greatest Lord.. (AAC/
MP3 Song)

Song Title: Greatest Lord Artist: Sinach (Osinachi Egbu Joseph Kalu)

  • Record Label: Integrity Music
  • Songwriter(s): Osinachi Joseph, et al..
  • Producer(s): Sinach, et al..
  • Music Genre: Gospel
  • Audio Format: AAC / MP3 Download
  • Track Listing / Song:
    • Greatest Lord.. (Play Length: 5 Minutes, 8 Seconds)
  • Chorus:
      ..Oh oh ooh, oh ooh
      You are the greatest Lord
      You are the greatest Lord
      Oh oh ooh, oh ooh
      You are the greatest Lord
      You are the greatest Lord..
  • Release Date: 12/February/2021


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