Mon Mar 17 2025 08:26:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Alessia Cara's Song: SWEET DREAM (Single Track) - Chorus: Is it too much to ask for a sweet dream.. Streaming - MP3 Download

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Alessia Cara's Song: SWEET DREAM (Single Track) - Chorus: Is it too much to ask for a sweet dream.. Streaming - MP3 Download

Song: SWEET DREAM Artist: Alessia Cara (Caracciolo)

  • Music Label: Def Jam Recordings / UMG Inc.
  • Format: Audio Streaming / MP3 Download
  • Chorus:
      Is it too much to ask for a sweet dream?..
      Need a step back from my feelings..
      Life is not so bad when I'm sleeping..
      Is it too much to ask, too much to ask for a Sweet dream?..
      For a sweet dream...
  • Play Time: β‰ˆ 3:01 Minutes..
  • Songwriter(s): Alessia Caracciolo, et al..
  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 15/July/2021


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