Ways to Know Phishing Inbox Messages from Fraudsters.
Most fraudulent emails will have the following indications:
• Email addresses and URLs that look so similar to that of the real company.
Example: info@lbnobank.com could be used in place for info@ibnobank.com
Will not address you by your full names as registered by the real company
Threaten that there's a serious problem with your bank account and will be closed if you do not take urgent actions.•
Will offer rewards or incentives if you update your account details..•
Request you call telephone numbers included or require you to click on links in messages.. PLEASE! DO NOT!
Copy and enquiry about the URL source from the real company..
Often ask you for sensitive information like your credit card numbers, passwords or bank account details.
Often contain grammatical errors, bad spellings or unsupported language formats..
Lastly, report any suspicious email to appropriate authorities..
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