Anita Wilson's Song: MAKING WAYS (featuring B.Slade) - Chorus: He's still making ways out of no way.. Streaming - Reflection Media Inc.

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Anita Wilson's Song MAKING WAYS (featuring B.Slade) - Chorus He's still making ways out of no way.. Streaming - Reflection Media Label

Song: MAKING WAYS Artist: Anita Wilson

  • Featuring: B.Slade..
  • Music Label: Reflection Media, Inc.
  • Format: Audio Streaming
  • Lyrical Chorus:
      He's still making ways..
      He's still making ways,
      making ways out of no way..
      Keeps keeping me every day yeah..
      He's still making ways..
      Too much for me to tell..
      I know Him for myself...
  • Play Time: ≈ 4:52 Minutes..
  • Songwriter(s) / Lyricist(s): Anita Wilson, B.Slade, et al..
  • Genre: Gospel
  • Release Date: 08/October/2021
  • Album: Soul Sister


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