Hillary Clinton and Louise Penny's Book: STATE OF TERROR - Compelling Story about American Politics and Foreign Affairs..

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Hillary Clinton and Louise Penny's Book STATE OF TERROR - Compelling Story about American Politics  and Foreign Affairs..

Book: STATE OF TERROR - A Novel.. ⦾ Author(s): Hillary Rodham Clinton, Louise Penny..

  • Publisher: Simon & Schuster/St. Martin’s Press
  • Format: Hardcover / eBook Edition..
  • Type: Suspense Thrillers / Politics / Literature
  • Publishing Year: 2021
  • Print length: 512 Pages..
      State of Terror (Novel) - A story about American politics, the administration of U.S. president; secretary of state ('political enemy'), foreign affairs and international policies..

      A unique and utterly compelling international thriller cowritten by Hillary Rodham Clinton, the 67th secretary of state, and Louise Penny, a multiple award-winning #1 New York Times bestselling novelist...


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