John Campbell's Book: Nigeria and the Nation-State - Colonial History, Ethnic Conflicts and Political Corruption..
Book: Nigeria and the Nation-State: Rethinking Diplomacy with the Postcolonial World (A Council on Foreign Relations Book)
⦾ Author: John Campbell
• A formal U.S. ambassador to Nigeria..
- Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield..
- Format: Hardcover / eBook Edition
- Type: Politics / History
- Publishing Year: 2020
- Print length: 312 Pages..
John Campbell traces the fractured colonial history, contemporary ethnic conflicts and political corruption that define Nigeria..
According to Campbell, Nigeria was not—and never had been—a nation-state like those of Europe because Nigerians are not yet united by language, religion, culture, or a common national story...
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#️⃣ Books
#️⃣ History
#️⃣ John Campbell
#️⃣ Politics
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