Pheelz x Buju (BNXN) - Song: FINESSE - If I broke na my business.. Folake for the night o.. Streaming - MP3 Download
Song: FINESSE (Single Track)
Artist(s): Pheelz (Phillip Kayode Moses)
featuring Buju aka BNXN (Daniel Benson)
- Music Label: Riidiimacool..
- Chorus:
- Ahhh finesse..
If I broke na my business..
Ama Shayo e go bright o..
Folake for the night oh...
- Play Time: ≈ 2:31 Minutes
- Lyricist(s) / Vocal(s): Phillip Kayode Moses, Daniel Benson, et al..
- Genre: Afro-Beat / AfroNaija..
- Release Date: 03/March/2022
- Format: Streaming / MP3 Download
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#️⃣ Buju
#️⃣ Music
#️⃣ NaijaMusic
#️⃣ Pheelz
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