Simi x Joeboy's Song: SO BAD - Chorus: She lead me on and now she gone.. She look like adaba but she give me wahala.. Streaming - MP3 Download
Song: SO BAD (Single Track)
Artist(s): Simi (Simisola Bolatito Kosoko),
Joeboy (Joseph Akinwale Akinfenwa)
- Music Label: Studio Brat / Mad Solutions LLC..
- Format: Audio Streaming / MP3 Download
- Chorus [Lyrics]:
- She lead me on.. So bad..
And now she gone.. So bad..
She look like adaba..
But she give me wahala..
Oh huhn..
- She lead me on.. So bad..
And now she gone.. So bad..
She look like adaba..
But she give me wahala...
- Play Time: ≈ 3:17 Minutes
- Songwriter(s) / Lyricist(s): Simi, Joeboy, et al..
- Producer(s): BlaiseBeats, et al..
- Genre: Afro Naija
- Release Date: 03/December/2021
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#️⃣ Joeboy
#️⃣ Music
#️⃣ NaijaMusic
#️⃣ Simi
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