• Title: Raising Good Humans - A Mindful Guide to Breaking the Cycle of Reactive Parenting and Raising Kind, Confident Kids..
- Author: Hunter Clarke-Fields, MSAE • A mindfulness mentor and creator of the Mindful Parenting course..
- Foreword by Carla Naumburg. PhD
- Publisher: New Harbinger Publications..
- Format(s): eBook / Paperback / AudioBook..
- Type: Parenting / Child Care / Marriage..
- Publishing Date: 01/December/2019
- Print length: 187 Pages..
Powerful mindfulness skills and practical strategies to break free from “reactive parenting” habits and raise kind, cooperative, and confident kids..
When children experience a parent reacting with kindness and patience, they learn to act with kindness thereby altering generational patterns for a kinder, more compassionate future...
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