Arleen Marcia Tuchman's Book: Diabetes and History - Who is Considered Most at Risk - An In-Depth Examination in Context of Race, Public Health, Class and Heredity

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Arleen Marcia Tuchman's Book: Diabetes and History - Who is Considered Most at Risk - An In-Depth Examination in Context of Race, Public Health, Class and Heredity

• Title: DIABETES - A History of Race and Disease..

  • Author: Arleen Marcia Tuchman • A Professor of history with research interests in science, medicine and cultural health..
  • Publisher: Yale University Press..
  • Format: eBook..
  • Type: History / Science / Medicine..
  • Publishing Date: 05/August/2020
  • Print length: 296 Pages..
      Who is considered most at risk?..
      An in-depth examination of diabetes in the context of race, public health, class, and heredity..

      Tuchman describes how at different times Jews, middle-class whites, American Indians, African Americans, and Hispanic Americans have been labeled most at risk for developing diabetes...

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